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Building a steel structure has become more popular than ever, and for good reason. A prefabricated steel building not only saves time and efficiency, but it saves your wallet from unnecessary spending. More than 65% of the commercial market and 95% of the industrial market are dominated by steel buildings, the money-savings available with these structures are undeniable. When you know how a steel structure can save you money, you’ll feel confident going into your build. Here are some of the top ways a steel building will save you money, both long and short-term.

  1. Time. Compared to wooden structures, steel buildings can be constructed in practically no time. Because steel is such a reliable material, in terms of consistency of material, you don’t experience material-related delays when something isn’t up to spec. Steel is the same every time, so there’s no time wasted with human error as there can be with other building materials.
  2. Prefabrication. The building costs associated with steel structures tend to be lower from the start, due to the prefabrication of the material. Pieces are precut to spec, so less time is spent measuring and re-measuring. This also lowers any material waste, because you’re not paying for any unused or leftover pieces when the build is finished.
  3. Assembly. Steel structures arrive as a complete kit, with pieces that have been cut and pre-drilled to the project’s specification. The construction is easy-to-follow and creates a streamlined process that saves time. Labor costs are therefore lower because the process has been engineered for efficiency.
  4. Labor Cost. As previously mentioned, when steel structure kits arrive, they require very little overhead. These structures tend to be simple, quick builds, and therefore the labor requirements are much less than a traditional structure. Labor tends to be one of the most pricey components of a building project, so the quicker your building is completed, the lower your labor costs.
  5. Maintenance. Because steel is such a strong, durable material, it offers an incredibly long lifespan. It resists fire, pests, and weather far better than a wooden structure. This alone helps to reduce your long-term maintenance needs, not to mention the fact that steel rarely requires repainting, replacement or repairs.
  6. Energy Efficiency. When your building is properly insulated, it is quite simple and inexpensive to maintain its temperature. Steel buildings have been shown to have up to 50% lower energy costs than buildings made from other materials. If you take the extra step of installing an energy-saving roof, your savings could be even greater.
  7. Lower insurance costs. Because steel is fire-proof and resistant to many deteriorating factors (mold, pests, infestations, etc.), insurance costs tend to be lower throughout its lifespan when compared to buildings constructed from other materials. Because there’s a lack of risk that comes with a steel building, your potential to save on your annual insurance is greater. During the build process, the insurance cost for laborers tends to be lower when working with prefabricated steel kits — yet another win for your wallet.

There’s a reason why steel structures are so popular these days, and it starts with the bottom line. The cost efficiency of a steel building can’t be denied. When you work with a professional company with years of experience, you can feel confident that your structure will save you money for years to come.

Solid State Steel can create a custom building that is tailored to your exact need. With years of experience and professional knowledge of materials, Solid State Steel is ready to create the steel building of your dreams. We work in both residential and commercial capacities, so check out some of our past projects to get inspired.

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