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When it comes to building steel structures, there’s a lot you may not know. When steel buildings account for well over half of new commercial construction, there has to be a good reason. Before you get started on your new build, it’s a good idea to check out the many benefits of using steel! Below, we discuss just a handful of them — but the list goes on and on. Here are 7 things you may not have known about using steel for building: 

  1. Steel lasts longer. Steel, because of its robust nature, outlasts other building materials on the market. Steel structures last decades longer than their wooden counterparts. Not only that, but steel buildings inherently hold their value much, much longer than other building systems. The strength-to-weight ration of steel is truly unmatched.
  2. Steel has a farther span. Steel is self-supporting, which means it can span up to 300 feet without requiring any interior supports. This means an unobstructed space, which is something many commercial and industrial spaces need. Metal buildings are the number one choice of many industries for this reason. Steel structures are often favored for:
    – Airplane hangars
    – Barns
    – Retail stores
    – Churches
    – Gymnasiums
    – Warehouses
    – And more! 
  3. Steel holds up against the elements. As a material, there is essentially no other that compares to the resistance of steel. Weather, including wind, hail, water, and extreme temperatures, have little to no impact on a steel structure. Steel buildings are also resistant to rust, corrosion, and oxidation, because it contains high levels of carbon. If you live in a location that is prone to extreme weather, there’s no better building material than steel. Lastly, insects and pests such as wasps, bees, and termites are unable to damage steel, so there’s no worry about infestations damaging a steel building.
  4. Steel buildings are completely customizable. The options are essentially endless when it comes to a pre-engineered steel building. Whatever your vision, it can be made a reality with a steel structure. The team at Solid State Steel are experts in helping you create the exact structure that meets all of your needs. The versatility and durability of a new steel building is unmatched. 
  5. Steel buildings are built fast. Because steel buildings are pre-engineered, meaning holes are pre-drilled, pieces are pre-cut, and there is little-to-no waste material, these structures are erected quickly when compared to traditional structures. Overall, a steel structure can be built almost 33% faster than typical construction. 
  6. Steel structures can be built on private land, too. You don’t have to own a corporation or business to build a steel structure! As a matter of fact, one of the most common uses for steel structures on private land is for animal shelters or barns. Other residential uses are garages, hobby workshops, storage areas, and even a secondary residence for guests. Because steel can be insulated and produce excellent energy savings, they can easily be used as private homes. 
  7. Steel is cost effective. The cost per square foot of steel truly pays for itself over time. When a steel building is properly insulated, it costs less to heat or cool. Because of its resistance to fire, pests, and weather, it often comes with lower insurance costs. For the same reasons, steel buildings require far less upkeep than a traditional structure, so there’s less time and money spent to maintain them. 

At Solid State Steel, we are committed to creating a custom steel build that meets all of your needs. With years of experience and professional knowledge of materials, Solid State Steel is ready to create the steel building of your dreams. We work in both residential and commercial capacities, so check out some of our past projects to get inspired. 

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